of our products
Soft ballistics
Ballistic materials Soft ballistics: We work with various material structures made of Kevlar, Twaron and PE, and offer you a 5.0 mm flat and extremely powerful soft ballistics with special protection testing. This protective structure withstands bullet velocities of up to 580 m/s (V50 value)
Approved by German bulletproofing authorities for bullets from compact submachine guns such as the UZI from IMI or the Tokarev 7.62×25 from Russian production. Production up to 44 Magnum NIJ Level IIIA.
The particularly high protective effect is also evident in knife attacks and shrapnel splinters from explosions. In addition, our protective waistcoats can be upgraded with a separate and very flexible stab protection.
SK1 Plus (special protection test)
Body thickness 7.0 mm protects against:
- 44. Magnum NIJ Level IIIA
- 9mm full jacket DM41 up to 560 m/s
- 7.62×25 Tokarev up to 563 m/s – distance 5m
- 7.62×25 Tokarev up to 450 m/s – placed shot
- 9×18 Makarov FE core up to 360 m/s
- Cal 357 partial jacket up to 430 m/s
- Cal 44 to 436 m/s
- Cal 40 / Cal 38 Special
- 9mm Luger / Action 4/5
- Shrapnel protection
- Protection against knife attacks
Body thickness 4.5 mm protects against:
- 9mm full jacket DM41 up to 560 m/s
- 7.62×25 Tokarev up to 563 m/s – distance 5m
- 7.62×25 Tokarev up to 450 m/s – placed shot
- 9×18 Makarov FE core up to 360 m/s
- Cal 357 partial jacket up to 430 m/s
- Cal 44 to 436 m/s
- Cal 40 / Cal 38 Special
- 9mm Luger / Action 4/5
- Shrapnel protection
- Protection against knife attacks
Hard ballistics
We offer you hard ballistic plates in various combinations, both as Sk4 plates in combination with our Sk1 Plus soft ballistic waistcoat. On the other hand as a Sk4 “stand alone” plate where no soft ballistic waistcoat is required.
Ballistic plate systems
Sk4 plates 2.0kg per plate (in combination with soft ballistics see VPAM). With Sk4 plates “stand alone” 2.6 kg per plate no soft ballistics are required as additional protection.
Our products are :



Splinter protection

Shotinhibiting soft ballistics

Shotinhibiting soft ballistics

Shotinhibiting hard ballistics
Stab-, cut- and bullet-resistant customised products
We offer you textile clothing for work and leisure that is made of extremely puncture-resistant fabric with particularly strong stab and cut-resistant properties.
Whether as a T-shirt where the front and/or back area are already cut-resistant in the base and can be upgraded to puncture protection and even bulletproof through our modular system in the form of upgradeable applications.
We offer the same system for our long-sleeved shirts, where the extreme fabric also provides reliable protection against bites and scratches during fights or fixations in the field.